The Climate-Friendly Vegetable You Ought to Eat

Kelp is delicious and versatile, and farming it is actively good for the ocean. Melissa Clark wants you to just try a bite. Source:…

Trilobites: An Emperor Penguin Colony in Antarctica Vanishes

A colony in Halley Bay lost more than 10,000 chicks in 2016 and hasn’t recovered. Some adults have relocated. Source:…

Ocean-Clogging Microplastics Also Pollute the Air, Study Finds

Microplastics are known to cause ocean pollution, but a new study suggests airborne plastic particles pollute the air and dry land as well. Source:…

Trilobites: How Giant Sea Spiders May Survive in Warming Oceans

The strange creatures’ adaptations to the cold of the Antarctic Ocean may also help them as their habitats heat up. Source:…

Trilobites: Watch a Great White Shark Hunt Through a Kelp Forest for Its Next Meal

The video collected by researchers revealed a surprising hunting behavior in the ocean predators that had never been documented. Source:

The Great Barrier Reef Was Seen as ‘Too Big to Fail.’ A Study Suggests It Isn’t.

Even the largest ecosystems have limits when it comes to recovering from the impact of climate change, according to new research from Australia. Source:

Profiles in Science: How Do You Find an Alien Ocean? Margaret Kivelson Figured It Out

For forty years, the physicist at U.C.L.A. has been uncovering the outer solar system’s secrets. Few scientists know more about the mysteries of Jupiter and its icy moons. Source:…