‘Ocean Cleanup’ Project Unveils New Solar-Powered Robot That Collects Plastic From Rivers

Today the Ocean Cleanup unveiled its new “Interceptor” solar-powered robot to collect waste plastic from rivers before it can enter the ocean, Fast Company reports: The system was designed by the nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup, which spent the past four years secretly developing and testing the technology while it continued to work on its main project — a device that can…

The ‘Ocean Cleanup’ Device Is Finally Catching Plastic

An anonymous reader quotes Fast Company’s report on the Ocean Cleanup’s project’s trouble-plagued multimillion-dollar floating boom: After redesigning the system, it’s finally working: the nonprofit announced today that it’s successfully catching plastic. The newest prototype, which sailed to the middle of the Pacific Ocean in June, is now capturing large pieces of plastic trash — and huge “ghost nets” littered by…

Giant boom traps plastic waste from the oceans for the first time

Boyan Slat of The Ocean Cleanup says that after a failure last year, his giant v-shaped boom system is now collecting plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2218857-giant-boom-traps-plastic-waste-from-the-oceans-for-the-first-time/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…