Cosmic ray originated in cataclysmic event

Astronomers found a high energy neutrino – a cosmic ray – that apparently originated during a “tidal disruption event,” that is, when a supermassive black hole shredded a distant star. Source:…

Facebook Uses AI To Predict If COVID-19 Patients Will Need More Care

Facebook is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to help doctors predict whether they will need more resources, such as extra oxygen to care for COVID-19 patients in hospitals. CNET reports: The social network said Friday it developed two AI models, one based on a single chest X-ray, and another from a series X-rays, that could help forecast if a patient…

Study finds stellar flares can lead to the diminishment of a planet’s habitability

In a new study, a team led by research scientist Dimitra Atri of the Center for Space Science at NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) identified which stars are most likely to host habitable exoplanets based on the calculated erosion rates of the planetary atmospheres. Source:…

Facebook Tells Academics To Stop Monitoring Its Political Ads

couchslug shares a report from The Register: Facebook has ordered the end to an academic monitoring project that has repeatedly exposed failures by the internet giant to clearly label political advertising on its platform. The social media goliath informed New York University (NYU) that research by its Tandon School of Engineering’s Online Transparency Project’s Ad Observatory violates Facebook’s terms of service…

Facebook Demands Shutdown of Research Project Into Its Targeting of Political Ads

“Facebook Inc. is demanding that a New York University research project cease collecting data about its political-ad targeting practices,” reports the Wall Street Journal, “setting up a fight with academics seeking to study the platform without the company’s permission.” The dispute involves the NYU Ad Observatory, a project launched last month by the university’s engineering school that has recruited more than…

Facebook and NYU Set Out To Develop AI-Powered 5-Minute MRI Scan

Researchers at NYU Langone Health and Facebook’s artificial intelligence division have teamed up to develop an AI model that uses less data and creates images faster than traditional MRI techniques, according to a Wall Street Journal report. From a report: The goal of the project is to create a five-minute MRI as an alternative to the 20 minutes to an hour…

An AI built by Facebook could drastically speed up MRI scans

An AI system, built by researchers at Facebook and NYU Langone, can produce MRI scans with only a quarter of the data normally required, which could speed up the scanning process Source:…

Russell Kirsch, Inventor of the Pixel, Passed Away This Week

Computer scientist Russell A. Kirsch, the inventor of the pixel and an undisputed pioneer of digital imaging, passed away on Tuesday in his Portland home from complications arising from a form of Alzheimer’s disease. He was 91 years old. From a report: Russell Kirsch may not be a name that you immediately recognize, but his contributions to computer science made digital…

Is there life below the Martian surface?

Galactic cosmic rays are high energy particles from explosive events like supernovae, zinging through our solar system, constantly bombarding both Earth and Mars. A researcher suggests they supply enough energy to make subsurface life on Mars possible. Source:…

Astrophysicists investigate the possibility of life below the surface of Mars

Although no life has been detected on the Martian surface, a new study from astrophysicist and research scientist Dimitra Atri at the Center for Space Science at NYU Abu Dhabi finds that conditions below the surface could potentially support it. The subsurface—which is less harsh and has traces of water—has never been explored. According to Atri, the steady bombardment of penetrating…