Greenpeace Claims Fukushima Water Release Could Change Human DNA

An anonymous reader quotes CNN: Contaminated water that could soon be released into the sea from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant contains radioactive carbon with the potential to damage human DNA, environmental rights organization Greenpeace has warned. The environmental group claims that the 1.23 million metric tons of water stored at the plant — scene of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi…

Fukushima surfers return nearly a decade after the nuclear disaster

While keen surfers take to the waves around Fukushima, plans are under way to dump contaminated water from the damaged nuclear power plant into the sea Source:…

Study shows animal life thriving around Fukushima

Nearly a decade after the nuclear accident in Fukushima, researchers have found that wildlife populations are abundant in areas now devoid of human life. Source:…

Fukushima To Possibly Dump Radioactive Water Back Into Ocean

omfglearntoplay shares a report from CNN: Eight years after Japan’s worst nuclear disaster, the government is not sure what to do with the contaminated water that remains — but its environment minister says dumping it into the ocean might be the only choice. To cool fuel cores at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, operator Tokyo Electric has pumped in tens of…