The mysterious microbes shifting humanity’s place in the tree of life

Puzzling, slow-living microbes named after Loki, the trickster of Norse mythology, are helping solve one of evolution’s biggest mysteries: the origin of complex life Source:…

Rigel in Orion is blue-white

Rigel, brightest star in the easy-to-see constellation of Orion the Hunter, shines with a blue-white color. Hidden behind its brilliant classic beauty is a fascinating and complex stellar life history. Source:…

Saturn is our solar system’s new moon king

Astronomers have found 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the planet’s total number of moons to 82. That surpasses Jupiter, which has 79. Source:…

Saturn Overtakes Jupiter As Host To Most Moons In Solar System

Astronomers have spotted 20 more moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the total number of Saturnian moons to 82, surpassing the 79 that are known to orbit Jupiter. The Guardian reports: The scientists discovered the moons when they set algorithms to work on decade-old images captured from the powerful Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. By comparing images taken over hours and…