How To Grow Sprouts At Home In Just 1 Week

Want to learn how to grow sprouts? It’s very simple. In fact, it will only take you around a week. Sprouts are nutritional powerhouses and growing them is a great addition to your wonderful homestead. So to help you get moving, we listed down a few steps. RELATED: How To Sprout Mung Beans In Jars…Continue Reading
The post How To Grow Sprouts…

13 lockdown cooking projects and the science of how they work

While we’re stuck indoors, it’s a great time to get into cooking and baking. Our Science of Cooking series explains how to make foods such as sourdough bread, hand-pulled noodles and kimchi, and the theory behind the recipes Source:…

How Artificial Shrimps Could Change the World

Singaporean company Shiok Meats aims to grow artificial shrimp to combat the negative environmental effects associated with farmed shrimp. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from The Economist: For a long time, beef has been a target of environmentalists because of cattle farming’s contribution to global warming. But what about humble shrimp and prawns? They may seem, well, shrimpy when compared…