The weird and wacky science that won Ig Nobel prizes this year

Is there a link between income inquality and kissing? And why do alligators make such loud bellows around mating season? Feedback reports from the Ig Nobel prize Source:…

Half of Nobel prizes in science go to just five research fields

Scientists in just five research fields – including neuroscience and atomic physics – scooped up more than half of the Nobel prizes awarded for science in recent decades Source:…

2019’s ‘Ig Nobel’ Prizes Honor Strange, Unusual, and Hilarious Research

CNN reports: Pizza might protect against cancer, why wombats poop in cubes and a diaper changing machine that can be used on human babies — these are just some of the research and inventions awarded at this year’s Ig Nobel Prizes, a spoof of the actual Nobel Prize awards. The Ig Nobels are “intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative…

Quantum uncertainty helps solve an old problem

Controlling how electrons zip through a material is of central importance to build novel electronic devices. How the electronic motion is affected by magnetic fields is an old problem that has not been fully resolved, yet has already led to multiple physics Nobel prizes. Now, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg have…

Capturing single photons to explore fundamental physics and quantum information science

Quantum optics, where light and matter interactions are examined at the microscopic level, has earned Nobel prizes—including three awarded since 2001—for some of science’s biggest names. However, even in this mature field, some interesting physics remains largely unexplored. An international team of scientists from Technische Universität Wien (Austria), Duke University, Università degli Studi di Palermo and Istituto Nanoscienze CNR (Italy), and…

David Thouless, 84, Dies; Nobel Laureate Cast Light on Matter

Using math to explain strange states of matter, like superconductivity, he had a “transformational” impact on physics, with real-world applications. Source:…