GM Sells Out First Year of Electric Hummer Production

General Motors said it has sold out the first year’s worth of its hulking GMC Hummer EV electric pickup truck after a splashy video reveal on Tuesday. Reuters reports: The GMC website showed a “reservations full” banner over the Hummer EV “Edition 1,” due to start production in the fall of 2021. The next version of the truck, the $99,995 Hummer…

‘Tesla was from Venus’ claims FBI document

A rather peculiar claim concerning Nikola Tesla has been found in the archives of the FBI’s official website. There are few people who have contribute… Source:…

Nikola Founder Trevor Milton Steps Down as Chairman in Battle With Short Seller

Nikola founder Trevor Milton has stepped down as executive chairman after a short seller accused Milton and the hydrogen and electric truck startup of misleading investors and overstating the value of a business deal. From a report: Milton has also resigned from the company’s board, Nikola said in a statement on Sunday. The company has previously denied the allegations and threatened…

Nikola Admits Prototype Was Rolling Downhill In Promo Video

In late 2016, Nikola Motor Company founder Trevor Milton unveiled a prototype of the Nikola One truck, claiming it “fully functions and works, which is really incredible.” A couple years later, in January 2018, the company showed the Nikola One truck moving rapidly along a two-lane desert highway. But last week, the short-selling investment firm Hindenburg Research published a bombshell report,…

Nikola Motors Accused of Massive Fraud, Ocean of Lies

Socguy writes: Hindenburg research has released their report on Nikola motors and have taken a short position as a result of their research. During the course of their investigation, they claim to have spoken to numerous former employees, have amassed a pile of emails, text messages, contracts as well as other documents and videos showing a massive deception. Essentially, Hindenburg alleges…

Tesla review: A weird and imaginative biopic of a scientific great

A film about electricity pioneer Nikola Tesla makes interesting creative choices, such as imagining an alternative future. But it spends too much time focusing on Thomas Edison Source:…

Nikola Founder Exaggerated the Capability of His Debut Truck

An anonymous reader shares a report: After half an hour of promotional videos and big promises, Nikola’s 13-foot-tall prototype parked atop a rotating stage began to spin. The dramatic music reached a crescendo, lights flicked on and a partially translucent white sheet lifted off the Nikola One. Founder Trevor Milton walked up to applause, put his hands on his side and…

Nikola Motors Unveils Hybrid Fuel-Cell Concept Truck With 600-Mile Range

Nikola Motors on Monday unveiled a concept for a new electric pickup truck called the Badger. Engadget reports: Nikola plans to offer the Badger as both a purely battery-electric vehicle and as an electric/fuel-cell hybrid. The company claims the hybrid powertrain model will feature a maximum range of approximately 600 miles, while the battery model will be limited to 300 miles….