‘Super Nintendo World’ Amusement Park Previewed By Mario’s 68-Year-Old Creator

“On Friday, Nintendo and Universal Studios Japan took the veil off a years-in-the-making project: the very first Nintendo-themed theme park,” reports Ars Technica (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader mprindle): And who better to introduce the world to this life-sized walk through of all things Mario than the character’s creator himself, longtime Nintendo developer and designer Shigeru Miyamoto… Many…

Apple May Face EU Rules To Open Up Payment Technology

The European Union is weighing legislation that could force Apple to open iPhone payment technology to competitors. From a report: The potential rules would grant other payment services a right of access to infrastructure such as near-field communication technology embedded in smartphones, the European Commission said Thursday. While the EU didn’t explicitly name Apple, it said the “most commonly reported issue”…

Apple Declined To Implement 16 Web APIs in Safari Due To Privacy Concerns

Apple said last week that it declined to implement 16 new web technologies (Web APIs) in Safari because they posed a threat to user privacy by opening new avenues for user fingerprinting. Technologies that Apple declined to include in Safari because of user fingerprinting concerns include: Web Bluetooth – Allows websites to connect to nearby Bluetooth LE devices.