Bill Gates, Lancet, UN, and Many Others Lambast America’s Withholding of Funds from the WHO

This week U.S. president Donald Trump suspended America’s $900 million annual contribution to the World Health Organization. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, called Trump’s move a “crime against humanity….” The Hill reports: “Every scientist, every health worker, every citizen must resist and rebel against this appalling betrayal of global solidarity,” he added… The American Medical Association…

‘Claim That Covid-19 Came From Lab In China Completely Unfounded Scientists Say’

Newsweek reports: There is no evidence to back claims the coronavirus that has caused the COVID-19 pandemic emerged from a lab in China, scientists have told Newsweek. Adam Lauring, an associate professor at the University of Michigan Medical School and an expert in the evolution of viruses, told Newsweek: “This claim is a conspiracy theory and it is not supported at…

Sheltering in Place Works: New Statistics Show Fewer COVID-19 Hospitalizations In New York, California

Yahoo News shares an encouraging report from former Newsweek correspondent Andrew Romano: Until very recently, nationwide data about how many COVID-19 patients are currently receiving treatment in hospitals was hard to come by. It’s still incomplete and inconsistent. But on April 7, researchers at the University of Minnesota launched the U.S. COVID-19 Hospitalization Tracking Project, which is just what it sounds…

Tinder Offers Free Chatting with Users In Other Countries

“[W]e’re missing out on the everyday exchanges that make us human…” argues a press release from Tinder. “And while we all know we need to stay home, the Tinder community has shown us that this doesn’t mean we have to be alone with our thoughts and a tower of Top Ramen…” “Many of our current subscribers are even reaching out across…

New California Bill Proposes $1,000-a-Month Universal Basic Income

1 out of 8 Americans live in California. Now a proposed California law “would provide most adults in the state with a universal basic income of $1,000 per month, similar to the proposed plan of former presidential candidate Andrew Yang,” reports Newsweek: The California Universal Basic Income (UBI) Program was Funding the program with a value-added tax has been blasted by…

Mysterious fast radio burst repeats in 16-day rhythm

For the first time, a fast radio burst has been found to be repeating, in a regular 16-day cycle. The baffling detection from the CHIME radio telescope deepens the mystery of these bizarre intergalactic objects. Source:…

Facebook Won’t Put Ads in WhatsApp — For Now

Facebook “will no longer push through with its plans to sell ads on WhatsApp,” writes Engadget, citing a report in the Wall Street Journal which says WhatsApp still “plans at some point to introduce ads to Status.” Newsweek reports:
WhatsApp is the only app in Facebook’s suite of products free from ads, which make up a vast amount of the parent company’s…

Should Coal Miners Learn To Code?

During a campaign event on Monday, U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden “suggested coal miners could simply learn to code to transition to ‘jobs of the future,'” reports Newsweek: “Anybody who can go down 300 to 3,000 feet in a mine, sure in hell can learn to program as well, but we don’t think of it that way,” he said… “Anybody who…

China Could Be Turning On Its ‘Artificial Sun’ Fusion Reactor Soon

“China is about to start operation on its ‘artificial sun’ — a nuclear fusion device that produces energy by replicating the reactions that take place at the center of the sun,” writes Newsweek. schwit1 shared their report: If successful, the device could edge scientists closer to achieving the ultimate goal of nuclear fusion: near limitless, cheap clean energy. The device, called…

President Trump Officially Adds a New Branch to the U.S. Military: Space Force

The BBC reports:
President Donald Trump has officially funded a Pentagon force focused on warfare in space — the U.S. Space Force. The new military service, the first in more than 70 years, falls under the U.S. Air Force. The funding allocation was confirmed on Friday when the president signed the $738bn (£567bn) annual U.S. military budget. The launch of the Space…