Highly Educated People More Likely to Fall For QAnon’s Conspiracy Theories

The more educated people are, the more likely they are to believe claims made by QAnon, according to a tracking poll by polling firm Morning Consult. From Politico: Twenty-seven percent of people with a postgraduate degree responded that QAnon claims are either very accurate or somewhat accurate. That compared to 20% of those with a bachelor’s degree and 14% of those…

China Accused of Spying On Americans Via Caribbean Phone Networks

“A mobile security expert has accused China of exploiting cellphone networks in the Caribbean to conduct ‘mass surveillance’ on Americans,” reports Newsweek: Gary Miller, a former vice president of network security at California-based analytics company Mobileum, told The Guardian he had amassed evidence of espionage conducted via “decades-old vulnerabilities” in the global telecommunications system. While not explicitly mentioned in the report,…

‘Mysterious Object Hurtling Towards Earth’ is a 1966 Booster Rocket

“A Mysterious Object Is Hurtling Towards Earth, and Scientists Don’t Know What It Is,” read Newsweek’s headline on Monday, describing an object projected to pass 31,605 miles from earth. (One astronomer told them that was roughly 13% of the average distance between the earth and the moon). But then a computer model calculated its past trajectories through space, according to the…

Bright fireball widely seen over northeastern Mexico

A fireball is an especially bright meteor from space. It can start out icy and burn up entirely in our atmosphere, or rocky … in which case a meteorite sometimes falls to Earth’s surface. This bright fireball blazed over northeastern Mexico on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/video-photos-bright-fireball-northeastern-mexico…

Hydroxychloroquine Advocate Angry Donald Trump Took ‘Experimental Antibody Stupidness’

“A doctor notorious for claiming hydroxychloroquine is a ‘cure’ for COVID-19 has denounced White House doctors for not giving President Donald Trump the drug to treat his infection…” reports Newsweek. “Other unsubstantiated claims from Immanuel include declarations that fasting can cure those affected by ‘witchcraft,’ that having sex with demons while dreaming can cause gynecological problems and that certain medications contain…

Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine Produces Strong Immune Response in Early Trial

Newsweek reports:
Pharmaceutical manufacturer Johnson & Johnson announced Friday that early trials of a COVID-19 vaccine showed a 98 percent success rate in showing a boost in the immune system. According to research from Johnson & Johnson, the vaccine enabled 98 percent of those who took it to create antibodies that fight off the coronavirus infection. Those neutralizing antibodies were present 29…

Spacecraft Made From Ultra Thin Foam Could Reach Proxima Centauri In 185 Years

An anonymous reader quotes Newsweek:
A hypothetical spacecraft made from an extremely thin layer of a synthetic foam could technically make it to our closest neighboring star Proxima Centauri in just 185 years, scientists have said. If Voyager were to make the same journey, it would take around 73,000 years, according to NASA. In a study that is due to be published…

Disney World Reopened Today in Florida, Joining Sea World and Universal

“Cinderella Castle has sat silent for 116 days…” reported CNN Business. But no more — at least, not at Disney World, which today began its grand reopening: “It’s three times the size of Disneyland in terms of revenue,” Michael Nathanson, a media analyst and founding partner at MoffettNathanson, told CNN Business. Nathanson estimates that Disney World alone generated $11.2 billion, or…

Zoom’s New, Stronger Encryption May Only Protect Paying Clients

“Zoom plans to strengthen the encryption of its service for paying customers,” reports Newsweek, “but the upgrade will not be available to users of its free service.”
Zoom security consultant Alex Stamos later confirmed the details of the reported move in an interview with Reuters, which first reported the changes on Friday. But he also told the news outlet that Zoom’s plans…

Michael Moore Offers Free Streaming of Movie Criticizing the Green Movement

Nearly 16 years ago, Slashdot’s original co-founder CmdrTaco posted that liberal film-maker Michael Moore had won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival for a documentary about the Bush administration — and noted later that Moore approved downloads of the film through networks like BitTorrent. But now the 66-year-old filmmaker is offering free streaming on his YouTube channel for a…