The Inventor Who Fought To Get Black Box Flight Recorders Into Every Plane

This week the BBC told the remarkable story of the man who invented the “black box” flight recorders — and of all the resistance he enountered along the way. dryriver shared this summary:
In 1934, a passenger plane name Miss Hobart crashed into the sea off the coast of Australia. Among those killed was Anglican missionairy Rev Hubert Warren, whose last gift…

Is There Tension Between Developers and Security Professionals?

“Everyone knows security needs to be baked into the development lifecycle, but that doesn’t mean it is,” writes ZDNet, reporting on a new survey they say showed that “long-standing friction between security and development teams remain.” The results came from GitLab’s “2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps” survey of over 4,000 software professionals. Nearly half of security pros surveyed, 49%, said they…

Microsoft Warns of Political Cyberattacks, Announces Free Vote-Verification Software

“Microsoft on Wednesday announced that it would give away software designed to improve the security of American voting machines,” reports NBC News. Microsoft also said its AccountGuard service has already spotted 781 cyberattacks by foreign adversaries targeting political organizations — 95% of which were located in the U.S. The company said it was rolling out the free, open-source software product called…

‘Super Mario Maker 2’ Finally Acknowledges Nintendo Fan Communities

It was the best-selling game of June, with IGN calling it “the most accessible game design tool ever created, and that core is just one part of a greater whole…” Since its launch three weeks ago, fans have already built over 2 million custom stages, NPR notes — but the real news is that Super Mario Maker 2 finally represents a…

If This Type of Dark Matter Existed, People Would Be Dying of Unexplained Wounds

sciencehabit shared this article from Science magazine:
Dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up most of the mass of the universe, has proved notoriously hard to detect. But scientists have now proposed a surprising new sensor: human flesh. The idea boils down to this: If a certain type of dark matter particle existed, it would occasionally kill people, passing through them…

‘Caloric Restriction’ Study Finds Surprising Health Benefits

The New York Times reports positive results from the first major clinical study of caloric restriction (funded by America’s National Institutes of Health) in which 143 healthy volunteers ate (on average) 300 calories less each day: They lost weight and body fat. Their cholesterol levels improved, their blood pressure fell slightly, and they had better blood sugar control and less inflammation….

Employers Are Mining the Data Their Workers Generate To Figure Out What They’re Up To, and With Whom

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: To be an employee of a large company in the U.S. now often means becoming a workforce data generator — from the first email sent from bed in the morning to the Wi-Fi hotspot used during lunch to the new business contact added before going home. Employers are parsing those…

Apollo 11 looks like yesterday in new TV show using restored footage

Apollo 11 features in a TV film which captures NASA’s early days with beautifully restored footage, making it it look like yesterday, says Chelsea Whyte in her latest column Source:…

Connect to Your Inner Child Through Your Body

Do you remember what it was like being a small child, three or four years old? You may not have very clear memories of this time in your life, but perhaps you can at least recall the sense of carefree wonder you had as you went through your day. Everything was new and every moment […] Source:…