LightSail 2 is sending home new pictures of Earth

LightSail 2, the brainchild of the Planetary Society, has released two new gorgeous images of Earth. The small spacecraft is currently in orbit at about 720 km, and the LightSail 2 mission team is putting it through its paces in preparation for solar sail deployment sometime on or after Sunday, July 21st. Source:…

Meet a family of NASA space robots

NASA engineers are working on a new family of space robots that can roll, climb, and use artificial intelligence to navigate around obstacles in rough terrains on other worlds. Meet the family, here. Source:…

Corals spreading to subtropical waters

While coral populations are declining in tropical waters, scientists have just detected an increase in subtropical areas, which could be good news for corals. Source:…

New hard X-ray eclipsing polar identified

Using ESA’s XMM-Newton and NASA’s Swift spacecraft, astronomers have found that a hard X-ray source known as 2PBCJ0658.0-1746 is an eclipsing magnetic cataclysmic variable of the polar type. The finding, presented in a paper published July 11 on, makes the object one of only a handful hard X-ray eclipsing polars known to date. Source:…

Extreme U.S. Weather Brings Power Outages

“Ninety-four million people in parts of 23 states remain under excessive heat warnings and heat advisories on Sunday as one last day of scorching temperatures hits the Midwest and East Coast,” reports ABC News. “Sunday is the last day of oppressive heat, with many places in the Upper Midwest already feeling cooler Sunday morning after heat indices of 115 to 120…

Summer Triangle and smallest constellations

You need a dark country sky to see these 3 small constellations: Vulpecula the Fox, Delphinus the Dolphin and Sagitta the Arrow. Source:…

Is Object-Oriented Programming a Trillion Dollar Disaster?

Senior full-stack engineer Ilya Suzdalnitski recently published a lively 6,000-word essay calling object-oriented programming “a trillion dollar disaster.”
Precious time and brainpower are being spent thinking about “abstractions” and “design patterns” instead of solving real-world problems… Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has been created with one goal in mind — to manage the complexity of procedural codebases. In other words, it was supposed to…