The CIA Accuses Huawei Of Being Secretly Funded By China’s State Intelligence

“U.S. intelligence has accused Huawei Technologies of being funded by Chinese state security, The Times said on Saturday.” Long-time Slashdot reader hackingbear shares a story from Reuters: The CIA accused Huawei of receiving funding from China’s National Security Commission, the People’s Liberation Army and a third branch of the Chinese state intelligence network, the British newspaper reported, citing a source. Earlier…

Baby boom for the kakapo, New Zealand’s critically endangered parrot

There are fewer than 150 adult kakapo in New Zealand, but this year’s bumper crop of almost 90 chicks renews hope that the bird can be saved from extinction Source:…

36 Days After Christchurch, Terrorist Attack Videos Are Still on Facebook

The videos on Facebook and Instagram show sections of the raw Christchurch attack footage, and variations continue to thwart Facebook’s moderators and technology.Source:…

Machine Learning Identifies Weapons in the Christchurch Attack Video. We Know, We Tried It

It took 29 minutes for a Facebook user to first report the livestream of the Christchurch terrorist. Now a machine learning system spots weapons in the stream with an over 90 percent confidence rating. Source:…

Why I Practiced Tonglen in a Mosque

After the New Zealand mass shooting, a Buddhist practitioner reflects on praying with her Muslim neighbors.
The post Why I Practiced Tonglen in a Mosque appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…