Chance fossil discovery reveals ancient marine reptile

Scientists raced against a rising tide to recover a tantalizing fossil on an island in southeast Alaska. It turned out to be a species new to science. Source:…

Walking sharks discovered in tropics

Researchers have discovered 4 new species of sharks that use their fins to walk, in waters off northern Australia and New Guinea. Source:…

Scientists have discovered five new species of songbird in Indonesia

Five species of songbird and five subspecies have been discovered by scientists for the first time in mountainous areas of Indonesia Source:…

Twenty years of discoveries changing story of human evolution

Archaeological discoveries are happening faster than ever before, helping refine the human story. Source:…

Tiny T. rex fossils aren’t a new species – they are just teenagers

A handful of unusually small tyrannosaur fossils are not evidence of a new species – they simply show us what adolescent T. rexes looked like Source:…

Monkeys hiding on a plateau in the Amazon turn out to be new species

The Parecis Plateau is home to a new species of titi monkey with grey, red and white fur. It was known to local people, but scientists overlooked it for a century Source:…

Martin Rees: We will become a new species by expanding beyond Earth

Heading into deep space will lead to a new species of human evolving, says the UK Astronomer Royal – and could pave the way to immortals who can conquer the galaxy Source:…

Rodeo ants that ride on backs of bigger ants discovered in Texas

Two new species of parasitic “rodeo” ant have been discovered in Texas. They ride the queens in other ant colonies to fool the workers into looking after them Source:…

Researchers describe 71 new species in 2019

New species from 5 continents and 3 oceans include geckos, goblin spiders, flowering plants, and Mediterranean ants. Source:…

Vertebrates Became Predators By Tweaking the Neural Crest

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: Caltech scientists have discovered that a population of embryonic stem cells called neural crest cells may help explain how vertebrates progressively evolved a more and more efficient head. Neural crest cells originate within the developing central nervous system before migrating throughout the embryo. They are a major player in the development of the…