Bird-like dinosaurs that lost a finger show evolution in action

Bird-like dinosaurs called oviraptorids normally had three fingers, but skeletons rescued from fossil poachers reveal a new species with just two Source:…

New species of tiny ‘fairy shrimp’ found in the world’s hottest desert

Tiny shrimp have been found living in Iran’s Lut Desert, which has reached temperatures above 80°C. These shrimp have eggs that lay dormant for years when water is scarce Source:…

Gigantic snapping turtles caught in Florida

Wildlife researchers discovered three huge turtles – which belong to a new species – near Gainesville. Found by members of the Florida Fish and Wildli… Source:…

Giant ‘Darth Vader’ isopod found in Indonesia

Researchers in Indonesia have discovered a new species of giant isopod – a bug-like creature the size of a small dog. Ever picked up a piece of wood o… Source:…

Stuck At Home, Scientists Discover 9 New Insect Species

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: When the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County shut down due to the pandemic in mid-March, Lisa Gonzalez headed home with the expectation that she would be back in a few weeks. But once it became clear that she wouldn’t get back anytime soon, Gonzalez, the museum’s assistant entomology collection manager, converted…

Evolution: Why it seems to have a direction, and what to expect next

Does evolution always and inevitably generates greater diversity and complexity, having a predictable direction? Source:…

Why do scientists give some species such unusual names?

The strange ways we name new species and the politics involved is explained in Stephen Heard’s book Charles Darwin’s Barnacle and David Bowie’s Spider Source:…