Iridescent cloud? Or circumhorizon arc?

It’s easy to confuse these 2 elusive, colorful, beautiful daytime sky phenomena. How can you tell the difference? Source:…

ALMA spies a cool gas ring around our Milky Way’s central black hole

New observations by the ALMA telescope in Chile have revealed a never-before-seen disk of cool, interstellar gas wrapped around Sagittarius A*, the giant black hole at the center of our galaxy. Source:…

New Law Could Make Verizon Pay a Decade’s Worth of Taxes It Avoided

Verizon has avoided paying local taxes on telecom equipment in many New Jersey municipalities over the past decade, but a proposed state law would force the company to pay back taxes for all the payments it didn’t make. Ars Technica reports: The bill, filed on May 23 by Assemblyman John Burzichelli (Dâ”Paulsboro), “would force Verizon to pay local taxes on telephone…

What If We Could Reuse The Packaging on Consumer Products?

“The shampoo bottle, the deodorant stick, razors and even your toothbrush — they all get thrown away when they’re empty or worn out. But if they were reusable — or refillable — just imagine how much waste could be avoided.” That’s how Bloomberg describes the new “Loop” initiative being tested for one year by the New Jersey recycling company TerraCycle: This…

65 years after Brown v. Board of Education, school segregation is getting worse


Thousands of Americans are jailed before trial. A new report shows the lasting impact.


It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week. Are you ready?

May 5-11, 2019, is Hurricane Preparedness Week in the U.S. If a hurricane were approaching, would you and your family be ready? This post will tell you how to prepare. Source:…

When Your Amazon Purchase Explodes

Why is it still so easy for consumers to buy poorly made, dangerous batteries that explode, and why is it so difficult to tamp down on counterfeits or hold the sellers — or the platforms the sellers use, such as Amazon — accountable? From a report: In the massive global network of manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and resellers, it can be nearly…

High School Kids Stage Alien: The Play and You Can Now Watch It Online

Several weeks back, Colin Marshall told you about an enterprising group of high school students in North Bergen, New Jersey who staged a dramatic production of Ridley Scott’s 1979 film Alien. And they did it on the cheap, creating costumes and props with donated and recycled materials. The production was praised by Ridley Scott and Sigourney Weaver alike. […]

High School Kids Stage <i>Alien: The…