Largest Study To Date Finds Hydroxychloroquine Doesn’t Help Coronavirus Patients

A new hydroxychloroquine study — “the largest to date” — was published Thursday in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. It concluded that Covid-19 patients taking the drug “do not fare better than those not receiving the drug,” reports Time:
Dr. Neil Schluger, chief of the division of pulmonary, allergy and critical care medicine at Columbia, and his team studied more…

NASA Astronaut’s Blood Clot In Space Gets Treated By Doctor On Earth

Doctor Stephan Moll, a blood-clot expert from the University of North Carolina, helped develop a treatment plan for a NASA astronaut who discovered a blood clot in the jugular vein partway through a long-term mission on the International Space Station. CNET reports: NASA hasn’t revealed the crew member’s name or when the incident happened, though the astronaut discovered the clot two…

First reported occurrence and treatment of spaceflight medical risk 200+ miles above earth

Serena Auñón-Chancellor, M.D., M.P.H., Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine’s branch campus in Baton Rouge, is the lead author of a paper describing a previously unrecognized risk of spaceflight discovered during a study of astronauts involved in long-duration missions. The paper details a case of stagnant blood flow resulting in a clot in the…

Lung Damage From Vaping Resembles Chemical Burns, Report Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The lung damage in some people who have become ill after vaping nicotine or marijuana products resembles a chemical burn, doctors from the Mayo Clinic reported on Wednesday. Their findings are based on samples of lung tissue from 17 patients around the country whose biopsy specimens were sent to Mayo…

CRISPR Gene-Editing May Offer Path To Cure For HIV, First Published Report Shows

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Chinese scientists have published the first report in a scientific journal of an attempt to use CRISPR-edited cells in a patient — a 27-year-old man who is HIV-positive. While the treatment did not rid the man of the AIDS virus, the researchers and others are calling the report promising. That’s because it indicates…

Cases of Vaping-Related Lung Illness Surge, Health Officials Say

Medical experts and federal health officials on Friday warned the public about the dangers of vaping and discouraged using the devices as the number of people with a severe lung illness linked to vaping has more than doubled to 450 possible cases in 33 states. The New York Times reports: The number of deaths linked to vaping rose to four from…

Doctors Used HIV To Develop Cure For ‘Bubble Boy’ Disease

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: U.S. scientists say they used HIV to make a gene therapy that cured eight infants of severe combined immunodeficiency, or “bubble boy” disease. The babies, born with little to no immune protection, now have fully functional immune systems. Untreated babies with this disorder have to live in completely sterile conditions and tend…

Trilobites: You Need Vitamin D to Live. How Could This Woman Survive With None in Her Blood?

She had a series of bone fractures, but when doctors did blood tests, the supplements she took for treatment were nowhere to be found. Source:…