Autopsies Reveal the Terrible Damage COVID-19 Can Inflict On the Human Brain

“As COVID-19 relentlessly infects more and more of us, scientists are getting a close look at the strange and frightening damage it can inflict on our bodies,” writes Science Alert (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo):
We’ve known since early in the pandemic this disease wreaks havoc on more than just the respiratory system, also causing gastrointestinal conditions, heart…

Experimental Antibody Treatment for Covid-19 Patients Wins ‘Emergency Approval’ in America

America’s Food and Drug Administration granted emergency authorization Saturday to an experimental antibody treatment (for people already experiencing Covid-19), reports the Washington Post: The drug, made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, is designed to prevent infected people from developing severe illness. Instead of waiting for the body to develop its own protective immune response, the drug imitates the body’s natural defenses. It is…

New England Journal of Medicine Resoundingly Endorses Biden

BishopBerkeley writes: In another first, the editors of the The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) endorse Joe Biden by stating that the current government needs to be fired. Although they don’t mention any names, the editors of the NEJM state in shockingly forceful and accusatory language that the current administration is totally incompetent and does not deserve to keep its…

Leading medical journal blasts Trump’s ‘astonishing’ failure in pandemic response, says to vote him out

The New England Journal of Medicine is calling for the Trump Administration to be voted out in the upcoming election. Source:

Vaccine Maker Novavax Enters Final Large-Scale Testing of Its Covid-19 Vaccine

The New York Times reports:
Vaccine maker Novavax said Thursday that it would begin the final stages of testing its coronavirus vaccine in the United Kingdom and that another large trial was scheduled to begin next month in the United States. It is the fifth late-stage trial from a company supported by Operation Warp Speed, the federal effort to speed a coronavirus…

A New Theory Asks: Could a Mask Be a Crude ‘Vaccine’?

Iwastheone shares a report from The New York Times: As the world awaits the arrival of a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine, a team of researchers has come forward with a provocative new theory: that masks might help to crudely immunize some people against the virus. The unproven idea, described in a commentary published Tuesday in the New England Journal of…

Large Antibody Study Offers Hope For Virus Vaccine Efforts

Antibodies that people make to fight the new coronavirus last for at least four months after diagnosis and do not fade quickly as some earlier reports suggested, scientists have found. From a report: Tuesday’s report, from tests on more than 30,000 people in Iceland, is the most extensive work yet on the immune system’s response to the virus over time, and…

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Promising Result In Animal Tests

Moderna’s vaccine candidate against Covid-19 protected against the virus in a trial that inoculated 16 monkeys, an encouraging step on the path to a defense for humans against the pandemic. Bloomberg reports: Two injections of the vaccine protected against heavy exposure to the virus at two different levels of dosage, Moderna said in findings published Tuesday in the New England Journal…

The Pandemic Claims New Victims: Prestigious Medical Journals

One study promised that popular blood-pressure drugs were safe for people infected with the coronavirus. Another paper warned that anti-malaria drugs endorsed by President Trump actually were dangerous to these patients. The studies, published in the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, were retracted shortly after publication, following an outcry from researchers who saw obvious flaws. From a report:…

Governments and WHO Changed COVID-19 Policy Based On Suspect Data From Tiny US Company

AmiMoJo shares a report from The Guardian The World Health Organization and a number of national governments have changed their Covid-19 policies and treatments on the basis of flawed data from a little-known U.S. healthcare analytics company, also calling into question the integrity of key studies published in some of the world’s most prestigious medical journals. Surgisphere, whose employees appear to…