Study Claims Using Twitter Erodes Your Intelligence

Researchers at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan have discovered that Twitter-based classes actually hurts academic performance, according to the Washington Post:
The finding by a team of Italian researchers is not necessarily that the crush of hashtags, likes and retweets destroys brain cells; that’s a question for neuroscientists, they said. Rather, Twitter not only fails to enhance intellectual…

What makes a good smell? Inside a multibillion dollar aromatic mystery

Perfume prospectors travelling the world, AI researchers and neuroscientists are discovering the secrets of our least understood sense Source:…

When is dead really dead?

A recent study of pigs’ brains suggested some activity could be restored even after they’d been dead 4 hours, reinforcing the idea that death is a process. A neuroscientist explains. Source:…

Exercise Is Important for Physical AND Spiritual Health

Everyone already knows that exercise is important for your body’s fitness. But did you know that it’s critical for your mental and spiritual health as well? One might even say that it is the foundation of wellness for the entire being—body, mind, and spirit. The Science Supporting Exercise Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the importance […] Source:…