Neuroscientists’ New Theory: Dreaming Protects the Braincells For Eyesight

Writing in Time magazine, two neuroscientists share a surprising new theory on exactly how dreaming protects our brains: Neuroscience used to think that different parts of the brain were predetermined to perform specific functions. But more recent discoveries have upended the old paradigm. One part of the brain may initially be assigned a specific task; for instance, the back of our…

Descubre cómo Rayan encontró un nuevo camino profesional en marketing digital.

Te presentamos a Rayan, un analista de marketing de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. En este post, Rayan nos cuenta cómo a través de su compromiso con el aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades en Coursera pudo empezar su trayectoria para tener una carrera exitosa en marketing digital.  Listo para un cambio  Después de completar mi título universitario en […]
The post Descubre cómo Rayan encontró…

Unique review: A fascinating look at the science of individuality

Understanding how individual we all are means grappling with genetics and neuroscience. Unique: The new science of human individuality by David Linden is a great place to start Source:…

‘Time Cells’ Discovered In Human Brains

Researchers have identified cells in the human brain that are responsible for episodic memories. The study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. NPR reports: The cells are called time cells, and they place a sort of time stamp on memories as they are being formed. That allows us to recall sequences of events or…

Dogs’ Brains ‘Not Hardwired’ To Respond To Human Faces

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: For despite having evolved facial expressions that tug on the heartstrings of owners, researchers have found that unlike humans, dogs do not have brain regions that respond specifically to faces. “It’s amazing dogs do so well when it comes to reading emotions and identify from faces, despite the fact that they seem…

‘Extremely Brilliant Source’ X-Rays Set To Revolutionize Science

Rose Pastore reporting via Gizmodo: A new way of producing powerful X-ray beams — the brightest on Earth — is now making it possible to create 3D images of matter at astounding resolutions. This “Extremely Brilliant Source” officially opened last month at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France, and scientists are already using it to study the coronavirus behind covid-19….

People Typically Experience Shifting Mental Disorders Over Their Lifespan, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from PsyPost: New research based on four decades of longitudinal data indicates that it is rare for a person to receive and keep a single mental disorder diagnosis. Rather, experiencing different successive mental disorders appears to be the norm. The findings, published in JAMA Open, suggest that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals should move…

Half of Nobel prizes in science go to just five research fields

Scientists in just five research fields – including neuroscience and atomic physics – scooped up more than half of the Nobel prizes awarded for science in recent decades Source:…

The Sci-Hub Effect: Sci-Hub Downloads Lead To More Article Citations

Excerpt of a paper on Arxiv [PDF]: Citations are often used as a metric of the impact of scientific publications. Here, we examine how the number of downloads from Sci-hub as well as various characteristics of publications and their authors predicts future citations. Using data from 12 leading journals in economics, consumer research, neuroscience, and multidisciplinary research, we found that articles…

NBA Restart Plan Includes Using Oura Rings To Catch COVID-19 Symptoms

When the NBA restarts its season next month, it may pipe in crowd noise from the NBA 2K video game to help simulate fans in the arena. Another proposal is to have players use Oura’s smart rings to predict the onset of COVID-19 related symptoms. Engadget reports: According to Shams Charania of The Athletic, the specifics were laid out in an…