Individualized Circadian Clocks: New Research Suggests Not Everyone Needs 8 Hours of Sleep

Time magazine reports on is a big scientific advance: “the understanding that our bodies often operate according to different clocks.” Although the federal government recommends that Americans sleep seven or more hours per night for optimal health and functioning, new research is challenging the assumption that sleep is a one-size-fits-all phenomenon. Scientists have found that our internal body clocks vary so…

Warning of Serious Brain Disorders in People With Mild Coronavirus Symptoms

Doctors may be missing signs of serious and potentially fatal brain disorders triggered by coronavirus, as they emerge in mildly affected or recovering patients, scientists have warned. From a report: Neurologists are on Wednesday publishing details of more than 40 UK Covid-19 patients whose complications ranged from brain inflammation and delirium to nerve damage and stroke. In some cases, the neurological…

Risk For MS 30% Higher For Those Living In Cities, Study Finds

schwit1 quotes UPI: City-dwellers are nearly 30 percent more likely to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis than those living in more rural areas, a study presented Friday at the European Academy of Neurology Virtual Congress has found. Based on the results, which will also be published in European Journal of Neurology, air pollution could be a risk factor for the development…

When is dead really dead?

A recent study of pigs’ brains suggested some activity could be restored even after they’d been dead 4 hours, reinforcing the idea that death is a process. A neuroscientist explains. Source:…

Two Doctors Say They’re Ready to Perform Head Transplants

“The first heart transplant, hand transplant, facial transplant: all were met with serious reservations. There are also regulatory concerns. China does not have the same ethical standards and requirements that the United States and Europe have.” Any guesses where this story originates from? The South China Morning Post reports that this observation by Howard University… Continue reading Two Doctors Say They’re Ready to Perform Head Transplants

Lab-Grown Brain Uses Tendrils to Seek Out and Control Spinal Cords

Now that artificial intelligence has gone from a pipe-dream to a phrase used every single day on the news, and robots are running around our supermarkets ordering human beings to clean up spilled milk, we’ve hyper-focused on the digital side of our new nightmare future and forgotten that there’s a whole cornucopia of horror that… Continue reading Lab-Grown Brain Uses Tendrils to Seek Out and Control Spinal Cords