What’s new on Coursera for Business – December 2019

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant Coursera’s university and industry partners launched over 50 courses in December to round out 2019. Our new courses range in topic from the data-heavy – including new AI, cloud, and analytics courses – to cultural intelligence, public health, security management, and business English. Here are our top picks […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Study: Many Popular Medical Apps Send User Info To 3rd Or 4th Parties

dryriver writes: A study in the British Medical Journal that looked at 24 of the 100s of Medical apps available on Google Play found that 79% pass all sorts of user info — including sensitive medical info like what your reported symptoms are and what medications you are taking in some cases — on to third and fourth parties. A German-made…

Coming Full Circle: From IBM Data Science Professional Certificate to IBM Internship

Sarah is a senior at Louisiana State University who knew she wanted to find her way from food service into a data science career. In her words, she shares how she gained hands-on experience that fast-tracked her path into data science in less than 6 months. When I started the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate, […]
The post Coming Full Circle: From…