KLM Airlines To Fund Development of Fuel-Efficient Flying-V Plane

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines announced that it will help fund the development of a V-shaped, fuel-efficient airplane design known as the Flying-V. CNN reports: Intended to improve the sustainability of air travel, the Flying-V was conceived by Justus Benad, then a student at the Technical University of Berlin, and developed by researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, also…

SpaceX satellites pose new headache for astronomers

It looked like a scene from a sci-fi blockbuster: an astronomer in the Netherlands captured footage of a train of brightly-lit SpaceX satellites ascending through the night sky this weekend, stunning space enthusiasts across the globe. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-05-spacex-satellites-pose-headache-astronomers.html…

Tiny dips in star brightnesses reveal 3 exocomets

It’s amazing we can detect comets in distant solar systems at all! These are the first 3 exocomets found in data gathered by TESS, NASA’s newest planet-hunter. The comets orbit the famous star Beta Pictoris. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/3-exocomets-famous-star-beta-pictoris…

SpaceX’s Train of Satellites Creates Temporary ‘Mega-Constellation’

“SpaceX’s unorthodox card-dealing launch of 60 Starlink broadband satellites has led to an unusual viewing opportunity for skywatchers — and an occasion to wonder about the impact of such mega-constellations on the natural night sky,” reports GeekWire: A video captured by satellite-watcher Marco Langbroek in the Netherlands sums up the awe… It didn’t take long for Langbroek and other skywatchers to…

Wow! The SpaceX Starlink satellite train

“Here is the video I shot, be prepared to be mind-blown!” Marco Langbroek wrote on his website SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log, where he shared an amazing capture of dozens of SpaceX Starlink internet satellites chugging along, in a straight line, across the heavens. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/wow-photo-video-spacex-starlink-satellite-train…

Close encounters? SpaceX satellites spark Dutch UFO frenzy

A Dutch website set up to record UFO sightings was flooded early Saturday with reports after a “train of stars” was spotted crossing the Netherlands’ skies, sparking fears of an alien invasion. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-05-encounters-spacex-satellites-dutch-ufo.html…

Image: ESA’s Large Diameter Centrifuge at full speed

ESA’s Large Diameter Centrifuge at the Agency’s technical heart in the Netherlands is seen running here at full speed. The 8-m diameter four-arm centrifuge gives researchers access to a range of hypergravity environments up to 20 times Earth’s gravity for weeks or months at a time. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-05-image-esa-large-diameter-centrifuge.html…

Who Killed America’s Demo Scene?

Jason Koebler shares Vice’s analysis of demoparties — “gatherings where programmers showcase artistic audiovisual works, known as demos, after a day- or days-long coding marathon that is part bacchanal and part competition” — starting with a visit to New York’s Synchrony.
I had arrived just in time to catch the end of a set by the electronic musician Melody Loveless, who was…