News Analysis: In Trump, Netanyahu Sees an Ally Who Helps Him Push the Envelope

President Trump has given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the political cover to embrace a position that critics say would all but extinguish the dream of a viable Palestinian state. Source:

Why Some Israelis Still Support Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is caught up in a corruption scandal that has clouded his campaign ahead of Tuesday’s election, but some Israelis still support him. We went there to understand why they are sticking with him. Source:

In Israel Election, the Future of the West Bank Is Now on the Ballot

Fighting for political survival, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu backed extending sovereignty over the West Bank, putting a contentious issue front and center. Source:

Netanyahu Vows to Start Annexing West Bank, in Bid to Rally the Right

Trailing his main challenger days before the election, Mr. Netanyahu offered an idea ardently sought by the settler movement but seen as a blow to a two-state solution. Source:

As Israel Charts a Future, Color and Chaos Abound in Its Election

The voting on Tuesday seems to be all about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — keep him or dump him. But our photographer found that’s not the half of it. Source:

A Pro-Pot Candidate Could Prove Decisive in Israeli Election

Moshe Feiglin’s far-right, libertarian Zehut party is gaining traction among young voters. It could end up determining who leads the next government. Source:

Boycott Israel’s Election? A Palestinian Rapper Says No

In a video that’s going viral, a hip-hip artist argues with himself, but ultimately says the benefits of voting outweigh the risks of staying home. Source:

In Israel Campaign, All Sides Claim Fabled Voice From the Grave: Menachem Begin

Though he has been dead 27 years, Mr. Begin’s legacy is being selectively invoked by parties across the political spectrum ahead of the April 9 election. Source:

Twitter Network Uses Fake Accounts to Promote Netanyahu, Israel Watchdog Finds

A network of hundreds of social media accounts, many of them fake, was used to smear opponents of the Israeli prime minister, investigators found. Source: