Video Leaks From Samsung’s ‘Artificial Human’ Avatar Project Neon

The Verge has been investigating Samsung’s “artificial human” project Neon, which seems to be about creating realistic human avatars: A tweet from the project’s lead and some leaked videos pretty much confirm this — although they don’t give us nearly enough information to judge how impressive Neon is. The lead of Neon, computer-human interaction researcher Paranav Mistry, tweeted this image, apparently…

Samsung teases reveal of ‘artificial human’ AI

The technology giant will be revealing a potentially ‘next level’ artificial intelligence known as NEON next week. Amazon Alexa, which sits in your ho… Source:…

Sir William Ramsay added a whole new group to the periodic table

The Scottish chemist William Ramsay discovered helium, argon, xenon, krypton and neon in the space of a few years, adding a new group to the periodic table Source:…

Libre-RISC-V 3D CPU/GPU Seeks Grants For Ambitious Expansion

The NLNet Foundation is a non-profit supporting privacy, security, and the “open internet”. Now the open source Libre RISC-V hybrid CPU/GPU is applying for eight additional grants from the NLNet Foundation, according to this update from the project’s Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton (Slashdot reader #517,947): Details on each Grant Application are on the newly-opened RISC-V Community Forum. The general idea is…