Millions of People Uploaded Photos To the Ever App. Then the Company Used Them To Develop Facial Recognition Tools.

An anonymous reader shares a report: “Make memories”: That’s the slogan on the website for the photo storage app Ever, accompanied by a cursive logo and an example album titled “Weekend with Grandpa.” Everything about Ever’s branding is warm and fuzzy, about sharing your “best moments” while freeing up space on your phone. What isn’t obvious on Ever’s website or app…

Jimmy Fallon Played a Video Game on Air, Meaning That Streaming Your Own Game Gets You Taken Down as a Pirate

AmiMoJo shares a report: NBC (and the other broadcasters) provides copies of its shows to YouTube’s Content ID filter, which is supposed to protect copyright by blocking uploads of videos that match ones in its database of claimed videos. That means that if you own the copyright to something that is aired on NBC, any subsequent attempts by you or your…

Trump denounces anti-Semitism one day after defending Charlottesville marchers


Vox Sentences: Decoding the Mueller report
