Companies Could Face Hefty Fines Under New Canadian Privacy Law

New submitter dskoll shares a report from New privacy legislation has been submitted to the Canadian parliament that could fine companies up to 5% of global revenue or $25 million, whichever is greater, for violating Canada’s privacy laws. According to Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains, The Digital Charter Implementation Act provides for the heaviest fines among the G7 nations’ privacy laws….

15 Asia-Pacific Countries Form World’s Largest Trade Bloc, Exclude the US

“Fifteen Asia-Pacific economies formed the world’s largest free trade bloc on Sunday,” reports CNBC, “a China-backed deal that excludes the United States, which had left a rival Asia-Pacific grouping under President Donald Trump.” Amid questions over Washington’s engagement in Asia, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) may cement China’s position more firmly as an economic partner with Southeast Asia, Japan and…

Shot To Prevent HIV Works Better Than Daily Pill in Women

A single shot given every two months has proved to be more effective than a daily pill at preventing H.I.V. in women, researchers reported on Monday, an advance that medical experts hailed as groundbreaking in the fight against the deadly virus that causes AIDS. From a report: The finding that the long-acting drug would prevent H.I.V. in six doses taken over…

The International Space Station is 20 and going strong

20 years ago, three astronauts stepped aboard the ISS. It’s since hosted residents from many countries, creating humanity’s first history of living in space. Source:…

President Biden Will Rejoin the World Health Organization on His First Day

“Another of Biden’s promises will have particular significance during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic,” reports Futurism: Back in July, he promised to reverse the incumbent Donald Trump’s controversial April decision to leave the World Health Organization — the United Nations’ agency that oversees and coordinates global public health efforts. “Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health,” Biden said…

A Biden Victory Positions America For a 180-Degree Turn On Climate Change

“Joe Biden, the projected winner of the U.S. presidency, will move to restore dozens of environmental safeguards President Donald Trump abolished,” reports the Washington Post, “and launch the boldest climate change plan of any president in history.” destinyland shares their report: While some of Biden’s most sweeping programs will encounter stiff resistance from Senate Republicans and conservative attorneys general, the United…

US Formally Withdraws From Paris Climate Agreement

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Intercept: The United States officially withdrew from the Paris Agreement on Wednesday, casting the stakes of the still-undecided presidential election in planetary terms. With the completion of the formal withdrawal process, which Trump began in June 2017, the U.S. became the only country in the world not to participate in the global effort…

US and UK Citizens Are World’s Biggest Sources of Plastic Waste

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The U.S. and UK produce more plastic waste per person than any other major countries, according to new research. The analysis also shows the U.S. produces the most plastic waste in total and that its citizens may rank as high as third in the world in contributing to plastic pollution in the…

Humans Have Been Living In Space For 20 Years Straight

Since 2000, there have always been humans living and working on the International Space Station — and the streak could just be getting started. National Geographic reports: On Halloween in the year 2000, a Russian Soyuz rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and flew into the history books, carrying one U.S. astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts to the nascent…

Vint Cerf Is Working on an Internet for Outer Space

“TCP/IP doesn’t work at interplanetary distances,” 77-year-old Vinton Cerf tells Quanta magazine. “So we designed a set of protocols that do.” Specifically, bundle protocols: a disruption/delay-tolerant networking (DTN) protocol with nodes that can also store information: A data packet traveling from Earth to Jupiter might, for example, go through a relay on Mars, Cerf explained. However, when the packet arrives at…