Russian Announces Plan to Independently Explore Venus

“Russia has announced an intention to independently explore Venus a day after scientists said there was a gas that could be present in the planet’s clouds due to single-cell microbes,” reports Euronews: The head of Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, told reporters that they would initiate a national project as “we believe that Venus is a Russian planet,” according to…

What are cloud streets?

Cloud streets are a manifestation of Earth’s atmosphere in motion. They’re mostly seen by satellites looking down on Earth, but people sometimes catch them from the ground, too. Check out these cool images! Source:…

Trump Administration Drafting ‘Artemis Accords’ Pact For Moon Mining

The Trump administration is drafting a legal blueprint for mining on the moon under a new U.S.-sponsored international agreement called the Artemis Accords, Reuters reported Wednesday. From the report: The agreement would be the latest effort to cultivate allies around NASA’s plan to put humans and space stations on the moon within the next decade, and comes as the civilian space…

Bringing Rocks Back From Mars

The Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission intended to achieve all this will require three launches from Earth over the course of a decade, and five separate machines. From a report: The organisations involved — America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, and the European Space Agency, ESA — are each responsible for specific craft in the chain of what David Parker,…

Fly me (partway) to the moon

Last week, scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the University of Guelph sent a telescope to the top of the sky, almost to space itself. The trip was a moonlight-gathering mission that has yielded some of the best measurements ever taken of the…

5G Networks Will Likely Interfere With US Weather Satellites, Navy Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A U.S. Navy memo warns that 5G mobile networks are likely to interfere with weather satellites, and senators are urging the Federal Communications Commission to avoid issuing new spectrum licenses to wireless carriers until changes are made to prevent harms to weather forecasting. The FCC has already begun an auction of 24GHz…

Geraldyn M. Cobb, Who Found a Glass Ceiling in Space, Dies at 88

She was qualified as any man to be an astronaut and passed all the tests, but NASA wasn’t interested in sending women into space in 1961. Source:…

Owen Garriott, an Early Scientist-Astronaut, Is Dead at 88

He was the science pilot on the record-breaking 59-day mission to Skylab in 1973. Ten years later, he returned to space on the shuttle Columbia. Source:…

Matter: Scott Kelly Spent a Year in Orbit. His Body Is Not Quite the Same.

NASA scientists compared the astronaut to his earthbound twin, Mark. The results hint at what humans will have to endure on long journeys through space. Source:…

Scott Kelly Spent a Year Taking Photos in Space. They’re Beautiful.

In orbit aboard the International Space Station, the astronaut wasn’t just gathering data for NASA’s Twins Study. He also produced some, well, stellar images. Source:…