The Coma Cluster of galaxies

The Coma Cluster is one of the richest galaxy clusters known. How many suns and how many worlds might be located in this direction of space? Source:…

Monsters In Our Cities?

As is the case with practically every investigator of the unknown, I am sure, occasionally I am on the receiving end of stories, tales and accounts that sound great, but where the person relating the data insists on either complete or partial anonymity. Of course, such tales can be very interesting indeed; but, equally, they… Read more » Source:…

Strange and Frightening Encounters With Forest Spirits

Throughout all of human history the forests of our world have always held a special allure. The trees have birthed countless legends and myths, as well as spawned all manner of forest entities, sprites, and spirits. Just walking amongst the tranquil woods one can feel why this might be so, as it is a place… Read more » Source:…

Astronomers Continue to Observe Strange and Mysterious Satellite Behavior

Satellite anomalies and other examples of spaceborne intrigue continue to add up, suggesting that the looming war in space might be getting closer to hot than we think. In late March 2019, India blew up a satellite in orbit with a missile, littering near-orbits with debris. The display was intended as a show of force… Read more » Source:…

The Mysterious Moss Man of Florida

The thick swamps of Florida can be a spooky place to say the least, their tangles of cypress trees, vines, and brush clouded with mosquitoes and infested by all manner of insects and snakes, the murky, muddy waters prowled by alligators lying in wait for the unwary. When the sun goes down the swamp comes… Read more » Source:…

Haunted Wrigley Field and the Curse of the Billy Goat

One of the most well-known ballparks in the world first opened its doors in 1914, in Chicago, Illinois. What would become Wrigley Field was originally owned by Charles Weeghman, who owned the team called the Chicago Whales of the Federal League, both of which would fizzle out in 1915, leading Weeghman to buy the Cubs… Continue reading Haunted Wrigley Field and the Curse of the Billy Goat

19.15 – MU Plus+ Podcast

Somewhere between staunch skepticism and absurd claims sits the truth. On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we delve into the world of contractee synchronicities, hidden mountain fortresses and underground UFO parking facilities. This episode is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ members. To join, click HERE. Links The Enigma of Sonja Lyubicin UFO UpDates Richard Kieninger, UFOs… Continue reading 19.15 – MU Plus+ Podcast

Mysterious star 21 Comae reinvestigated with MOST satellite

Astronomers have employed the Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST) space telescope to conduct a new investigation of the enigmatic variable star 21 Comae whose nature is still widely debated. Results of the new study, presented in a paper published April 9, could help us better understand this mysterious object. Source:…

Mysterious Ice Circle Appears on Frozen Salt Lake in China

If it’s springtime in the Northern Hemisphere, that means it’s time for crop circles to begin popping up in England and other places where there are large farms and people with time on their hands. Or extraterrestrials anxious to send messages using that sophisticated communications device known as the “field.” China is in the Northern… Continue reading Mysterious Ice Circle Appears on Frozen Salt Lake in China

Mysterious Demon Gators and Crocodilian Cryptids of North America

Throughout the world are countless cases of unidentified, out of place, or just plain weird mystery creatures, commonly called cryptids. Ranging from lake monsters like Nessie to the likes of Bigfoot, they are the denizens of the wilds beyond our understanding, evading classification. Among these mystery monsters are the various strange creatures that seem to… Continue reading Mysterious Demon Gators and Crocodilian Cryptids of North America