Monsters In Our Cities?

As is the case with practically every investigator of the unknown, I am sure, occasionally I am on the receiving end of stories, tales and accounts that sound great, but where the person relating the data insists on either complete or partial anonymity. Of course, such tales can be very interesting indeed; but, equally, they… Read more » Source:…

The Mysterious Tale of Anastasia

Throughout history there have been histroical people who have passed into mystery only for their identities to be claimed by various impostors. One of the most famous cases of this of all is that of the Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia, once the daughter of a famous Russian czar. Hers is a story of tragedy, upheaval,… Continue reading The Mysterious Tale of Anastasia

Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

For those accustomed to short, blurry videos of alleged UFOs with little or no explanation of the location, circumstances, names of witnesses, amounts of adult beverages consumed, etc, a video posted this week of a UFO over Lake Michigan is a breath of fresh air … or at least as fresh as the air might… Continue reading Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

The Mysterious Unsolved Murder of the Rack Man

August 11, 1994 started out as a calm and clear day for fisherman Mark Peterson, and as he guided his boat up Australia’s Hawkesbury River, just north of Sydney, there was nothing particularly odd or ominous about the sunny day at all. Indeed, as he pulled his boat, the Lady Marion, up to an area… Continue reading The Mysterious Unsolved Murder of the Rack Man

Strange Cases of Famous Mysteriously Vanished Explorers

We as a species have always yearned to tame our planet, to understand it and discover its secrets. Since the dawn of mankind we have looked over the horizon and wondered what lie beyond it, and been infused with the desire to penetrate out into the uncharted wildernesses of the world to find out. We… Continue reading Strange Cases of Famous Mysteriously Vanished Explorers

The Mysterious Vanishing Ghost Bomber of Pittsburg

Besides the many disappearances on record of people, other things seem to go missing all of the time, and sometimes there is no real logical solution to it all. From ships, to planes, to nuclear weapons, it sometimes seems that pretty much anything can go missing at a moment’s notice. One very intriguing mystery of… Continue reading The Mysterious Vanishing Ghost Bomber of Pittsburg