A full-scale prototype for muon tomography

Each year, billions of tons of goods are transported globally using cargo containers. Currently, there are concerns that this immense volume of traffic could be exploited to transport illicit nuclear materials, with little chance of detection. One promising approach to combating this issue is to measure how goods interact with charged particles named muons—which form naturally as cosmic rays interact with…

CERN experiments announce first indications of a rare Higgs boson process

At the 40th ICHEP conference, the ATLAS and CMS experiments announced new results which show that the Higgs boson decays into two muons. The muon is a heavier copy of the electron, one of the elementary particles that constitute the matter content of the Universe. While electrons are classified as a first-generation particle, muons belong to the second generation. The physics…

CERN Makes Bold Push To Build $23.5 Billion Super-Collider

CERN has taken a major step towards building a 100-kilometre circular super-collider to push the frontier of high-energy physics. From a report: The decision was unanimously endorsed by the CERN Council on 19 June, following the plan’s approval by an independent panel in March. Europe’s preeminent particle-physics organization will need global help to fund the project, which is expected to cost…

Physicists publish worldwide consensus of muon magnetic moment calculation

For decades, scientists studying the muon have been puzzled by a strange pattern in the way muons rotate in magnetic fields, one that left physicists wondering if it can be explained by the Standard Model—the best tool physicists have to understand the universe. …

Breakthrough made toward more powerful particle accelerators

An international team of researchers, affiliated with UNIST has for the first time demonstrated the ionization cooling of muons. Regarded as a major step in creating more powerful particle accelerators, this new muon accelerator is expected to provide a better understanding of the fundamental constituents of matter. …

How ‘MICE’ Brings a Muon Collider Closer To Reality

“Scientists have announced a breakthrough that could be key to the creation of a powerful new kind of particle collider,” reports the Fermilab/SLAC magazine Symmetry. Long-time Slashdot reader fahrbot-bot shared their report:
As reported in the journal Nature, the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment, or MICE, has for the first time demonstrated the successful taming of a beam of particles called muons through…