Trump Also Suspended from Snapchat and Twitch, Faces Content Restrictions on Pinterest and…TikTok?

Today MSN published an article listing “Every social media platform Donald Trump is banned from using (so far).” Some excerpts: – Trump was suspended from Snapchat amid the riots on January 6, a spokesperson confirmed to The Hill… – On January 7, Twitch, the Amazon-owned video live-streaming platform made popular by gamers, disabled Trump’s account indefinitely… – Though Trump does not…

Germany Plans To Dim Lights At Night To Save Insects

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MSN: In a draft law seen by AFP, the country’s environment ministry has drawn up a number of new measures to protect insects, ranging from partially outlawing spotlights to increased protection of natural habitats. “Insects play an important role in the ecosystem…but in Germany, their numbers and their diversity has severely declined in recent…

Microsoft Replaces Dozens of Staff With AI for News Stories on MSN

“Workforce automation is about to cost dozens of news contractors their jobs,” writes Engadget: The Seattle Times and The Guardian report that Microsoft is letting go of dozens of news contractors (about 50 in the US, 27 in the UK) after June 30th due to a shift to AI news production on MSN. The workers were responsible for choosing, editing and…

Chemotherapy For Cancer Could Soon Be Unviable Because of Superbugs

schwit1 quotes a report from MSN: Cancer doctors fear superbugs which can’t be treated with antibiotics will soon remove chemotherapy as a treatment option for their patients, a survey has revealed. Cancer patients are more vulnerable to infections because the disease and its treatments can stop the immune system from working correctly. Of the 100 oncologists in the U.K. surveyed between…

Microsoft Has a Subdomain Hijacking Problem

A security researcher has pointed out that Microsoft has a problem in managing its thousands of subdomains, many of which can be hijacked and used for attacks against users, its employees, or for showing spammy content. From a report: The issue has been brought up this week by Michel Gaschet, a security researcher and a developer for In an interview…

Wired Remembers the Glory Days of Flash

Wired recently remembered Flash as “the annoying plugin” that transformed the web “into a cacophony of noise, colour, and controversy, presaging the modern web.” They write that its early popularity in the mid-1990s came in part because “Microsoft needed software capable of showing video on their website,, then the default homepage of every Internet Explorer user.” But Flash allowed anyone…

Russia’s Anti-5G Propaganda Campaign Is Spreading Across Social Media

An anonymous reader quotes Fierce Wireless:
Earlier this week, the New York Times published a story with the headline “Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.” [Non-paywalled MSN version here.] The story outlined how RT, the Russia-backed and U.S.-based television network, has been peddling 5G cancer fear-mongering stories, making claims that 5G causes brain cancer, infertility,…