Windows Turns 35

Tom Warren, writing for The Verge: The PC revolution started off life 35 years ago this week. Microsoft launched its first version of Windows on November 20th, 1985, to succeed MS-DOS. It was a huge milestone that paved the way for the modern versions of Windows we use today. While Windows 10 doesn’t look anything like Windows 1.0, it still has…

Bored Developer Creates ‘DOS Subsystem For Linux’

Long-time Slashdot reader Bismillah quotes iTnews:
A software engineer in Melbourne is whiling away the city’s lockdown by creating a tool that DOS users so far have lacked: an integrated Linux environment similar to what Windows 10 users enjoy… “I first started out just seeing if I could get Linux booting from the DOS command line, and that turned out to be…

After 37 Years Microsoft Open Sources GW-BASIC

“Having re-open-sourced MS-DOS on GitHub in 2018, Microsoft has now released the source code for GW-BASIC, Microsoft’s 1983 BASIC interpreter,” reports ZDNet, adding that GW-BASIC “can trace its roots back to Bill Gates’ and Paul Allen’s implementation of Microsoft’s first product, the BASIC interpreter for the Altair 8800 computer.” “Interested to look at thousands of lines of glorious 8088 assembly code…

What Are the Best Free Streaming Services?

An anonymous reader shares some free streaming media options: There’s over 10,000 public domain audiobooks at, created by volunteers reading public domain works. (If you’ve got time, why not record yourself reading your own favorite public domain poem or novel?) And there’s also a lot of free audiobooks (and ebooks) available through Hoopla, a free “digital media” service that’s partnering…

An Update On Microsoft’s ‘GitHub Arctic Vault Program’ reports:
The GitHub Arctic Vault program is part of the now Microsoft-owned code repository GitHub…aimed at preserving the information for generations to come… “We chose to store GitHub’s public repositories in the Arctic World Archive in Svalbard [a Norwegian island] because it is one of the most remote and geopolitically stable places on Earth and is about a mile down the…

Free Software Foundation Suggests Microsoft ‘Upcycles’ Windows 7 As Open Source

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is urging Microsoft to open source Windows 7, which is no longer supported by the company. The Register reports: On the face of it, the logic seems pretty simple. On January 14, Windows 7 reached its end of life as Microsoft turned off the free security update taps with a final fix. “Its life doesn’t have…

Internet Archive Releases 2,500 MS-DOS Games

The latest update from Internet Archive brings thousands of MS-DOS games from the ’90s like 3D Bomber, Zool and Alien Rampage. CNET reports: On Sunday, Internet Archive released 2,500 MS-DOS games that includes action, strategy and adventure titles. Some of the games are Vor Terra, Spooky Kooky Monster Maker, Princess Maker 2 and I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream….