How mosquitoes find us

For mosquitoes, finding the next blood meal is all about smelling and seeing. It’s our breath that gives us away. Source:…

Parasite brings down mosquito numbers in parts of Guangzhou

The number of biting Asian tiger mosquitoes, which spread dengue and Chikungunya, has been reduced by more than 80 per cent at two sites in Guangzhou, China Source:…

A fungus weaponized with a spider toxin can kill malaria mosquitoes

In controlled field experiments in Burkina Faso, a genetically engineered fungus reduced numbers of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes that can carry malaria. Source:…

Global Health: Widespread Testing Begins on Malaria Vaccine That Is Only Partly Effective

Despite the vaccine’s drawbacks, the W.H.O. endorsed testing on 360,000 children, in an effort to lower death rates in Africa. Source:…

The Mysterious Moss Man of Florida

The thick swamps of Florida can be a spooky place to say the least, their tangles of cypress trees, vines, and brush clouded with mosquitoes and infested by all manner of insects and snakes, the murky, muddy waters prowled by alligators lying in wait for the unwary. When the sun goes down the swamp comes… Read more » Source:…