India has it right: nations either aim for the moon or get left behind in the space economy

India’s Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft has settled into lunar orbit, ahead of its scheduled moon landing on September 7. If it succeeds India will join a very select club, now comprising the former Soviet Union, the United States and China. Source:…

Enabling longer space missions

The 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing has reignited interest in space travel. However, almost any mission beyond the moon, whether manned or unmanned, will require the spacecraft to remain fully operational for at least several years. The Hall thruster is a propulsion system that is often used by craft involved in long missions. A recent study by Andrey…

NASA’s Lunar Space Station Might Be a Boondoggle

“NASA’s orbiting Lunar Gateway is either essential for a moon landing or a boondoggle in the making,” writes IEEE Spectrum. the_newsbeagle writes: NASA is under pressure to put humans back on the moon by 2024… NASA’s plan for meeting that ambitious target relies on building a space station in lunar orbit, called the Gateway. NASA says it will use its (over…

NASA Marks The 50-Year Anniversary of Man’s First Steps on the Moon

It’s exactly one half century from that moment in time when men first walked on the moon, writes NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine. “Today, on the golden anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, NASA looks back with heartfelt gratitude for the Apollo generation’s trailblazing courage as we — the Artemis generation — prepare to take humanity’s next giant leap to Mars.”…

Apollo 11 Moon Landing Showed That Aliens Might Be More Than Science Fiction

The moon may be dead, but the Apollo 11 astronauts still managed to bring extraterrestrial life back to Earth. Astronomer/alien hunter Seth Shostak explains. Source:

Space research helps patients on Earth with low blood pressure condition

Ever stand up too quickly and see stars? Fainting from low blood pressure can be dangerous for astronauts as well as for patients. With the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing approaching, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers are publishing heart-related space research that helps us to understand the problem of low blood pressure. Source:…

Lunar rocks debunk moon landing conspiracy theories

Rocks collected from the moon 50 years ago and analyzed by an international team of scientists, including from the Australian National University (ANU), dispel any notion that the lunar landing was faked, an ANU expert says. Source:…

Could the Apollo 11 moon landing be duplicated today? ‘Lots of luck with that’

The passage of half a century has blurred many of the reasons that the United States was able to accomplish what seemed like science fiction: the July 20, 1969, landing of Apollo 11 on the moon. Source:…