Stonehenge was built with bits of an older Welsh Stone Age monument

A few centuries before the earliest standing stones were placed at Stonehenge, they may have stood in a circle 280 kilometres away in Wales, the remains of which have just been identified Source:…

The Further Adventures of that Monolith Stolen in Utah

A Utah newstation interviewed the men claiming responsibility for removing the original monolith in Utah, who reveal where, why, and how they took it: Homer Manson described how they brought tools, but in the end they were able to simply push the monolith over and it fell on the ground… “We actually passed another crew on the way out, they were…

Strange glowing object filmed near Stonehenge

A couple driving near the Wiltshire monument last month spotted something unusual hovering over the area. The unidentified object, which resembled a b… Source:…

‘Spinal Tap’-size Stonehenge reveals how the ancient monument really sounded

The huge standing stones in the outer circle of Stonehenge acted as an amplifier and gave reverberation to enhance speech and music in ceremonies held thousands of years before modern acoustics emerged. Source:

One Mystery of Stonehenge’s Origins Has Finally Been Solved

For more than four centuries, archaeologists and geologists have sought to determine the geographical origins of the stones used to build Stonehenge thousands of years ago. Pinning down the source of the large blocks known as sarsens that form the bulk of the monument has proved especially elusive. From a report: Now researchers have resolved the mystery: 50 of the 52…

Dark Sky Sanctuary established in New England

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine was certified as a Dark Sky Sanctuary on May 8, 2020. Source:…

‘Astonishing discovery’ of massive prehistoric circle near Stonehenge

An ancient circle of deep trenches has been found near Stonehenge. Scientists say the newly discovery site offers insights into the lives of people who lived in the area 4,500 years ago. Source:…