Mob destroys monolith over ‘Illuminati’ fears

A metallic monolith that appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been torched by a mob. The mysterious 12ft metal structure, which appeared o… Source:…

The Further Adventures of that Monolith Stolen in Utah

A Utah newstation interviewed the men claiming responsibility for removing the original monolith in Utah, who reveal where, why, and how they took it: Homer Manson described how they brought tools, but in the end they were able to simply push the monolith over and it fell on the ground… “We actually passed another crew on the way out, they were…

How San Francisco Got a Very Special Monolith on Christmas Day

Ananda Sharma, founder of the app Gyroscope, describes to a local TV station the monolith he discovered during a Christmas-morning jog under a candy-cane red sunrise. “I think I smelled it before I saw it…” He spotted a double rainbow and wanted to peek at that too. At first, he thought the monolith was “a big post,” but as he got…

Third Monolith Reappears, Fourth and Fifth Monoliths Discovered

“People taking a stroll on Sunday morning stumbled upon another mysterious monolith,” reports “This one was found in a northern province of the Netherlands.”
The monolith was covered in ice and surrounded by a small pool of water, according to local reports. The hikers told the Dutch paper Algemeen Dagblad that they’re not sure how the monolith got there. They said…

All Three Monoliths Gone — Two Removed By Activist Vandals

A Reddit user found Google Earth photos showing the Utah monolith may have appeared in its canyon up to five years ago, according to The Daily Beast. But it’s gone now: Last week, a team of four people removed the Utah obelisk. One of them, a Utah adventure guide, explained their actions in an Instagram post. “We removed the Utah Monolith…

Witness sheds light on fate of Utah monolith

A photographer who had been visiting the mysterious monolith claims he witnessed it being taken away. Much speculation has surrounded the metal monoli… Source:…

A Second, Mysterious Monolith Appears In Romania

Joe2020 shares a report with the caption, “Yeah, this happened.” NPR reports: Less than two weeks after authorities stumbled across a mysterious metal object standing freely in the Utah desert — and just days after it disappeared — a similar monolith has been reported nearly halfway around the world. Residents in the Romanian city of Piatra Neamt say they have found…