To the Moon? Dogecoin Leaps 46% in 24 Hours After Tweets From Elon Musk, Snoop Dogg

Friday the 71-year-old former lead singer of the band Kiss tweeted “I bought Dogecoin…six figures,” to his 922,000 followers, along with other supportive tweets. Saturday rap artist Snoop Dogg tweeted an image of “Snoop Doge” to his 19.2 million followers. Later Elon Musk tweeted a picture from the Lion King with Musk’s head appearing on a monkey holding up a monkey…

Elon Musk Says His Start-Up Neuralink Has Wired Up a Monkey To Play Video Games Using Its Mind

Tesla boss Elon Musk said in an interview late Sunday that a monkey has been wired up to play video games with its mind by a company he founded called Neuralink. CNBC reports: Neuralink put a computer chip into the monkey’s skull and used “tiny wires” to connect it to its brain, Musk said. “It’s not an unhappy monkey,” he said…

Video game graphics cards can simulate monkey brains on the cheap

Simulating brains in software could help find cures for diseases like Alzheimer’s, but normally requires a supercomputer. Now researchers have found that video game graphics cards can achieve the same results Source:…

Scientists put human genes into monkey brains

A recent experiment has raised eyebrows due to its potential to bring about a real-life Planet of the Apes. Meddling with the intelligence of non-huma… Source:…

Stupid Russian Disinformation Campaign Targets Oxford Vaccine

The Times of London reports that “a Russian disinformation campaign designed to undermine and spread fear about the Oxford University coronavirus vaccine has been exposed by a Times investigation.” Pictures, memes and video clips depicting the British-made vaccine as dangerous have been devised in Russia and middlemen are now seeking to “seed” the images on social media networks around the world….

Researcher Discusses Whether Time Travel Could Prevent a Pandemic

University of Queensland student Germain Tobar who worked with UQ physics professor Fabio Costa on a new peer-reviewed paper “says he has mathematically proven the physical feasibility of a specific kind of time travel” without paradoxes, reports Popular Mechanics: Time travel discussion focuses on closed time-like curves, something Albert Einstein first posited. And Tobar and Costa say that as long…

America Is Facing a Monkey Shortage

Thud457 shares a report from USA Today: The race for a coronavirus vaccine to help end the pandemic has consumed the scientific community and created an escalating demand for an essential resource: monkeys. Before drug companies call on human volunteers, monkeys are used in preclinical trials to test a vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. But with more than 100 vaccines in development…

Did You Know Today Is ‘The Day of the Programmer’?

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland shares Wikipedia’s entry reminding us that this year’s “Day of the Programmer” falls on September 13:
The Day of the Programmer is an international professional day that is celebrated on the 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 2**8th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years). It is officially recognized in…