Scientists explain mysterious, celestial STEVE

STEVE is a majestic sky phenomenon, similar to well-known auroras, but not as well understood. Now, a new study provides an explanation. Source:…

Celebrating National Superhero Day with Tux, BSD, and more

On National Superhero Day, how would some of our favorite open source tools and mascots look if they were superheroes? Granted, open source tools are already kind of like superpowers in their own right. My take on this challenge is Open Force: Heroes of the Code! (with accompanying illustrations, of course). Download the original Krita art files and desktop wallpaper images for 4k, HD, and…

Kiwi Browser update for Android introduces Chrome Extensions support

Kiwi Browser, a mobile web browser for Android that is based on Chromium, introduced support for Chrome browser extensions in its latest update. Chromium is the source for many browsers on Android […]
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What’s new on Coursera for Business – February and March 2019

We launched 97 new courses in February and March of this year, including 13 courses in Arabic, 10 in Spanish, and 11 in Russian. Here are our top ten courses in English from the past two months: AI For Everyone, – AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become […]
The post What’s new on…