Google Launches News Showcase In Australia Amid Dispute Over Proposed Law

Google has launched a limited version of its News Showcase in Australia despite threatening to pull Search from the nation a fortnight ago. ZDNet reports: News Showcase, Google claims, provides an “enhanced view” of articles, and aims to give participating news publishers more ways to share important news to readers while having “more direct control of presentation and branding.” The product…

Firefox 78: Protections Dashboard, New Developer Features, and the End of the Line For Older MacOS Versions

williamyf shares a report from The Register: Mozilla has released Firefox 78 with a new Protections Dashboard and a bunch of updates for web developers. This is also the last supported version of Firefox for macOS El Capitan (10.11) and earlier. Firefox is on a “rapid release plan,” which means a new version every four to five weeks. This means that…

Discover is Facebook’s New Effort To Help People Access Websites for Free — But With Limits

Facebook has a new connectivity app called Discover to help those who can’t afford to get online access information on the web. From a report: The service, available through mobile web and Android app, allows users to visit any website in text format (no video, images, audio and other elements that eat up large amounts of data) and consume a few…