Microsoft’s Livestreaming Service Mixer Shuts Down Today

Microsoft’s livestreaming platform Mixer will shut down later today and encourage users to migrate over to Facebook Gaming’s livestreaming service, with treasured Mixer Partners getting partner status over there too. Rock Paper Shotgun reports: From what I’ve seen on my stroll through Mixer on this final day, a whole lot of folks are planning to switch to Twitch. The shutdown comes…

Microsoft Is Shutting Down Mixer and Partnering With Facebook Gaming

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: Microsoft is closing its Mixer service on July 22nd and plans to move existing partners over to Facebook Gaming. The surprise announcement means Mixer partners and streamers will be transitioned to Facebook Gaming starting today, and Microsoft will no longer operate Mixer as a service in a month’s time. Microsoft is partnering…

YouTube Gaming’s Most-Watched Videos Are Dominated By Scams and Cheats

An anonymous reader shares a report from Wired: In January, all seven of the most-watched YouTube Gaming channels weren’t run by happy gamers livestreaming the game du jour. They were instead recorded, autoplaying videos advertising videogame cheats and hacks, sometimes attached to sketchy, credential-vacuuming websites, according to one analytics firm. The trend has continued into this month, with five of the…

Ohio Man Arrested For Running Bitcoin Mixing Service That Laundered $300 Million

U.S. authorities have arrested Larry Harmon of Akron, Ohio, for running a “Bitcoin mixer” service on the dark web that helped criminals disguise the origin of Bitcoin transactions. Harmon is “accused in a three-count indictment (PDF) for operating Helix, an online website located on the dark web,” reports ZDNet. It is the first case the DOJ has brought against a Bitcoin…

Should Parents Support Teens Who Want To Become Professional Gamers?

A family physician warned about a new problem this week in the New York Times: As a family doctor, I often hear from parents about how their kids push back at any attempt to limit how much time they spend playing video games. The parents will say, it’s after midnight, maybe it’s time to turn off the video game and get…