Bitcoin Gold Hit By 51 Percent Attacks, $72,000 In Cryptocurrency Double-Spent

Malicious cryptocurrency miners took control of Bitcoin Gold’s blockchain recently to double-spend $72,000 worth of BTG. The Next Web reports: Bad actors assumed a majority of the network’s processing power (hash rate) to re-organize the blockchain twice between Thursday and Friday last week: the first netted attackers 1,900 BTG ($19,000), and the second roughly 5,267 BTG ($53,000). Cryptocurrency developer James Lovejoy…

Trend Micro Set Up a Fake Tech Company and Honeypot To Study Cyber Criminals

DesScorp writes: In an effort to better understand the latest threats to IT systems, antivirus and security company Trend Micro created a fake tech company, complete with AI-generated photos of fake employees, in order to build a honeypot environment that looked like an actual, working tech factory environment. “Malicious hackers are targeting factories and industrial environments with a wide variety of…

Should Coal Miners Learn To Code?

During a campaign event on Monday, U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden “suggested coal miners could simply learn to code to transition to ‘jobs of the future,'” reports Newsweek: “Anybody who can go down 300 to 3,000 feet in a mine, sure in hell can learn to program as well, but we don’t think of it that way,” he said… “Anybody who…

Price of Bitcoin Plummets Below ‘Psychological’ $7,000 Level After China Promises Crackdown

Friday Forbes wrote that price of Bitcoin had dropped 10% over the previous 24 hours, dipping below the “psychological” $7,000 level. That’s after starting the week at over $8,000, and less than a month after it rose to $10,000. Apparently cryptocurrencies had gotten some very bad news from China. Bitcoin rivals ethereum and bitcoin cash have led the market lower [Friday]…

Does The Green Economy Create More Jobs Than The Fossil Fuel Industry?

“Whereas the fossil fuel industry employs about 900,000 people in the U.S., green economy jobs — those associated with non-oil energy — number about 9.5 million,” writes long-time Slashdot reader DavidHumus, citing a new study by two researchers at University College London. On Ars Technica the study’s authors shared their analysis of America’s emerging green economy: According to new data, by…

Salt deposits on Mars hold clues to sources of ancient water

For centuries, miners have burrowed into the earth in search of salt—laid down in thick layers from ancient oceans long since evaporated. When scientists saw huge deposits of salt on Mars, they immediately wondered whether it meant Mars too once had giant oceans. Yet it’s remained unclear what those deposits meant about the Red Planet’s climate. Source:…

Bitcoin’s Energy Consumption ‘Equals That of Switzerland’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Bitcoin uses as much energy as the whole of Switzerland, a new online tool from the University of Cambridge shows. The tool makes it easier to see how the crypto-currency network’s energy usage compares with other entities. However, one expert argued that it was the crypto-currency’s carbon footprint that really mattered. Currently,…