The Ground Rules of Life & Existence

Jed Shlackman – Have you ever considered the idea that you create your own personal reality? Source:…

9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source:…

Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression

Sayer Ji – Depression is one of the most widely diagnosed conditions of our time. Source:…

Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

Richard Smoley, New Dawn Waking Times Perhaps myth first arose out of the answers parents give to their children’s questions. Many of these are unanswerable: Why is water wet? Why is fire hot? Where does everything come from? Who is God? Because people like to tell stories, it makes sense that parents would make up… Continue reading Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm

GMI Reporter, Guest Waking Times 20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. The manufacturer Merck’s own product warning links MMR to a potentially fatal form of brain inflammation caused by measles. Why is this evidence not being reported? The Vaccinated Spreading Measles The phenomenon of… Continue reading The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm

Mandatory Vaccines are Here as NYC Mayor Issues Emergency Orders for Brooklyn Residents

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times “Today we are declaring a public health emergency, effective immediately. This will mandate vaccines for people living in the affected area. Department of Health will issue violations and fines to people who remain unvaccinated.” ~NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio In an emergency press conference today, New York City Mayor,… Continue reading Mandatory Vaccines are Here as NYC Mayor Issues Emergency Orders for Brooklyn Residents

Study Debunks ‘Depression Genes’

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times A new University of Colorado Boulder study assessing genetic and survey data from 620,000 individuals found that the 18 most highly-studied candidate genes for depression are actually no more associated with it than randomly chosen genes. Everyone experiences some unhappiness, often as a result of a change, either in the… Continue reading Study Debunks ‘Depression Genes’

Even Moderate Drinking Increases Stroke Risk, Groundbreaking Genetic Study Finds

Olivia Rosane, EcoWatch Waking Times A major genetic study has concluded that there is no healthy level of alcohol consumption, at least when it comes to stroke risk. The study, published in The Lancet Thursday, contradicts some previous research suggesting that drinking one to two glasses a day might protect against stroke, though other studies have… Continue reading Even Moderate Drinking Increases Stroke Risk, Groundbreaking Genetic Study Finds

Researchers Discover a Natural Compound that Kills Cancer

Sofia Adamson, Staff Waking Times Cancer is a ruthless disease that leaves nothing but destruction in its wake. It is aggressive, and very few compounds on the planet are known to keep it at bay. But a growing body of evidence shows that a compound found in the cannabis plant can actually combat cancer. This… Continue reading Researchers Discover a Natural Compound that Kills Cancer

Explore the Energy Codes and Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

Waking Times Imagine creating your entire life experience moment by moment… …and releasing the story that your mind’s been telling you about what is and isn’t possible. It all begins with working with the energy patterns that form your experiences. That’s because the root of emotional and physical challenges — from stress at work to discord… Continue reading Explore the Energy Codes and Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine