From RealPlayer To Toshiba, Tech Companies Cash in on the Facial Recognition Gold Rush

At least 45 companies now advertise real-time facial recognition. From a report: More than a decade before Spotify, and years before iTunes, there was RealPlayer, the first mainstream solution to playing and streaming media to a PC. Launched in 1995, within five years RealPlayer claimed a staggering 95 million users. […] RealPlayer is still very much alive. Now called RealNetworks, a…

Turkey is getting military drones armed with machine guns

Many countries and groups already use military drones, but Turkey is about to be the first to have a military drone armed with a machine gun Source:…

Ex-Google Engineer Says That Robot Weapons May Cause Accidental Mass Killings

“A former Google engineer who worked on the company’s infamous military drone project has sounded a warning against the building of killer robots,” reports Business Insider. Long-time Slashdot reader sandbagger quotes their report: Laura Nolan had been working at Google four years when she was recruited to its collaboration with the US Department of Defense, known as Project Maven, in 2017,…