Vaginal bacteria may eat HIV prevention drugs and leave women at risk

Differences in the vaginal microbiome may leave some women at a greater risk of contracting HIV because certain microbes metabolise HIV prevention drugs Source:…

Potent new antifungal discovered in the microbiome of marine animals

A new antifungal compound that is effective against multidrug-resistant fungi has been isolated from bacteria living in filter-feeding marine animals called sea squirts Source:…

Daycares In Finland Built a ‘Forest Floor,’ and It Changed Children’s Immune Systems

omfglearntoplay shares a report from ScienceAlert: Playing through the greenery and litter of a mini forest’s undergrowth for just one month may be enough to change a child’s immune system, according to a small new experiment. When daycare workers in Finland rolled out a lawn, planted forest undergrowth such as dwarf heather and blueberries, and allowed children to care for crops…

Searching for habitable exoplanets? Look for phosphorus

Scientists develop a new way to search for potentially habitable exoplanets by measuring the amount of phosphorus in their stars. Such planets should also have abundant phosphorus – necessary for life on Earth – increasing the chances for life. Source:…

The microbiome: How gut bacteria regulate our health

Our video series Science with Sam explains how the community of microorganisms inside our bodies can keep us healthy or make us ill Source:…

Cancer tumour microbiome may predict a person’s chances of survival

The microbes embedded in a tumour seem to influence how a person’s cancer will develop and how well they will respond to treatment Source:…

A sugary diet changes gut bacteria and worsens brain function in rats

Rats fed a sugar syrup early in life develop an unusual gut microbiome that seems to worsen the rodents’ memories by changing the way their brains work Source:…

Genetically modified microbiome could protect honeybees from disease

Modifying bacteria found in the guts of bees could help protect the insects against lethal infections affecting hives worldwide Source:…