Metasurface enabled quantum edge detection

Metasurfaces provide unique platforms to realize exotic phenomena including negative refraction, achromatic focusing, and electromagnetic cloaking due to the engineered dielectric or metallic architectures. The intersection of metasurfaces and quantum optics can lead to significant opportunities that remain to be explored. In a new report now published on Science Advances, Junxiao Zhou, Shikai Liu and a research team in quantum information,…

Topological mechanical metamaterials go beyond Newton’s third law

A change in perspective can work wonders. This has been especially true with respect to the paradigms for explaining material properties using the concept of topology, “ideas that are currently revolutionizing condensed matter physics,” according to Tel Aviv University researcher Roni Ilan. While topological physics first emerged in condensed matter physics, the ideas have now spread into many other areas, including…

Scientists achieve major breakthrough in preserving integrity of sound waves

In a breakthrough for physics and engineering, researchers from the Photonics Initiative at the Advanced Science Research Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY (CUNY ASRC) and from Georgia Tech have presented the first demonstration of topological order based on time modulations. This advancement allows the researchers to propagate sound waves along the boundaries of topological metamaterials without the risk of waves…

First confirmation of new theory by metamaterial

Topological metamaterials are applied as a novel platform to explore and study extraordinary effects. Instead of using natural materials, researchers artificially arrange the constituents of a topological metamaterial in a regular structure. Such an arrangement is analogous to a solid state in which the atoms form a crystal lattice. Usually, these platforms are used to simulate particular properties of solids in…

US Army signs deal to exploit ‘UFO technology’

The military has teamed up with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ group to study alleged UFO ‘metamaterials’. Back in July, Steve Justice – chief operating… Source:…