Are Tesla’s Cameras a Threat To Our Privacy?

“I love that my car recorded a hit-and-run on my behalf,” writes a technology columnist at the Washington Post. “Yet I’m scared we’re not ready for the ways cameras pointed inside and outside vehicles will change the open road…” Long-time Slashdot reader Strudelkugel shared the Post’s report:
It’s not just crashes that will be different. Once governments, companies and parents get their…

Security Flaws In a Popular Smart Home Hub Let Hackers Unlock Front Doors

In new research published Tuesday, security researchers Chase Dardaman and Jason Wheeler found three security flaws which, when chained together, could be abused to open a front door with a smart lock. TechCrunch reports: Dardaman and Wheeler began looking into the ZipaMicro, a popular smart home hub developed by Croatian firm Zipato, some months ago, but only released their findings once…