Google Accused of Creating Spy Tool To Squelch Worker Dissent

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Google employees are accusing the company’s leadership of developing an internal surveillance tool that they believe will be used to monitor workers’ attempts to organize protests and discuss labor rights. Earlier this month, employees said they discovered that a team within the company was creating the new tool for the custom Google Chrome…

Richard Stallman Defies Push By 27 GNU Project Developers To End His Leadership

“27 GNU project maintainers and developers have signed on to a joint statement asking for Richard Stallman to be removed from his leadership role at GNU,” writes Slashdot reader twocows. The statement argues that “Stallman’s behavior over the years has undermined a core value of the GNU project: The empowerment of all computer users. GNU is not fulfilling its mission when…

Tim Cook Defends Decision To Remove Hong Kong Maps App In Memo

On Thursday, Apple CEO Tim Cook defended the company’s decision to remove a mapping app in Hong Kong, saying that the company received “credible information” from authorities indicating the software was being used “maliciously” to attack police. Bloomberg reports: Apple pulled from its App Store on Wednesday after flip-flopping between rejecting it and approving it earlier this month. Apple made…

Docker Is In Deep Trouble

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Docker, the technology, is the poster child for containers. But it appears Docker, the business, is in trouble. In a leaked memo, Docker CEO Rob Bearden praised workers — despite the “uncertainty [which] brings with it significant challenges” and “persevering in spite of the lack of clarity we’ve had these past few weeks.”…

NASA Wants To Send Nuclear Rockets To the Moon and Mars

NASA engineers want to create a rocket engine powered by nuclear fusion. “A nuclear rocket engine would be twice as efficient as the chemical engines powering rockets today,” reports Wired. “But despite their conceptual simplicity, small-scale fission reactors are challenging to build and risky to operate because they produce toxic waste. Space travel is dangerous enough without having to worry about…

Walmart Ends All Handgun Ammunition Sales and Asks Customers Not To Carry Guns Into Stores

Walmart on Tuesday announced it will reduce its gun and ammunition sales, one month after more than 20 people were killed in a mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Walmart also pressured Congress to enact gun safety measures. From a report: The company, America’s largest retailer, said it will stop selling handgun ammunition and ammunition for short-barrel rifles…

DOJ: Former FBI Director James Comey Violated Policy On His Trump Memos — But Won’t Be Prosecuted

Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded — but Comey won’t be charged. . An anonymous reader shares a report: Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey’s actions and then referred his results to prosecutors. “After reviewing the matter, the…