Ask Slashdot: How Will 2019 Look To People 20 Years From Now?

Here’s an interesting thought exercise from Slashdot reader dryriver :
What is likely to be so different about living in 2039 that it makes our current present in 2019 feel badly dated in many ways? And can we learn lessons about what we are not doing particularly well today in 2019 — in the technology field for example — by imagining ourselves…

Andrew Yang Announces Universal Basic Income Pilot Program At Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced at Thursday’s primary debate that his campaign will use funds raised from his supporters for a pilot program meant to resemble his universal basic income proposal. The Hill reports: Under the Freedom Dividend Pilot Program, at least 10 American families will receive $1,000 a month, or $12,000 a year. Participants can enter the giveaway on…

Half of all harm caused by medical care is preventable

About half of all the harm caused by medical care is preventable, according to a review of 70 studies involving more than 330,000 patients around the world Source:…

Scientists Close In On Blood Test For Alzheimer’s

pgmrdlm shares a report from CBS News: Scientists are closing in on a long-sought goal — a blood test to screen people for possible signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. On Monday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, half a dozen research groups gave new results on various experimental tests, including one that seems 88% accurate at indicating…

Unlivable Wages in Expensive Cities Are Plaguing the Video Game Industry

An anonymous reader shares a report: Crunch has been one of the biggest topics in video game industry news over the last year with reports of massive studio layoffs at established studios following closely behind. Another topic relating to these issues that hasn’t received as much attention, however, are the low and unfair wages developers are being paid in exchange for…